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Honorary Committee

President: Her Majesty Queen Sofía

Vice-president: His Excellency Mr Miguel Ángel Revilla Roiz

President of the Regional Government of Cantabria



His Excellency Dr  Tabaré Vázquez

President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

His Excellency Dr Cristóbal Fernando Roldán Cobo

Ecuadoran Ambassador in Spain in representation of the President of Ecuador

Her Excellency Ms Dolores Gorostiaga Sáiz

President of the Regional Parliament of Cantabria

Her Excellency Ms Eva Díaz Tezanos

Vice-president of the Regional Government of Cantabria and University Consultant

Her Excellency Ms Gema Igual Ortiz

Mayoress of Santander

His Excellency Mr Íñigo de la Serna Hernáiz

Ex Mayor of Santander and Ex Minister of Public Works

Ms Sandra Huenchuan

UN Representative

Most eminent and reverend Carlos Osoro Sierra

Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid

Most eminent and reverend Manuel Sánchez Monge

Bishop of Santander

Mr Ángel Pazos Carro

Distinguished Vice-chancellor of the University of Cantabria

Mr Emilio Lora-Tamayo D’Ocón

Distinguished Vice-chancellor of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo

Mr Giampaolo Palazzi


Mr Ángel García Rodríguez

President and Founder Member of Messengers for Peace


Scientific Committee

His Excellency Dr Ángel Pazos Carro

Distinguished Vice-chancellor of the University of Cantabria

His Excellency Mr Emilio Lora-Tamayo D’Ocón

Distinguished Vice-chancellor of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo

His Excellency Mr Francisco Fernández Mañanes

Regional Minister of Education, Culture, and Sport

Dr Lourdes Bermejo García

President of the Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology

Members of the UNATE Scientific Committee, Santander/Spain


Committee for drawing up The Charter of Santander

President: Ruth Rivera Víquez

General Secretariat of FIAPAM (Costa Rica) 


Secretary: María Eugenia Torres Yali

Territorial Secretariat of FIAPAM (Colombia)


Ricardo Alberti. Sociologist (Uruguay) Andrea Prates. Gerontologist (Brazil) Fabio Menicacci (Italy)

Corina Inés Villarroel (Chile) 

Flor de María Vázquez Samamé (Peru)

Ana María Escobar (Guatemala)

Karia Licetti (El Salvador)

Carmen García Revilla.

President of CEOMA (Spain)


Organising committee

Board of governors and personnel of UNATE-FIAPAM