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Dr Sandra Huenchuan, CELADE Ageing expert, Population Division of the Economic Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean – UN

Dr Alexandre Kalache, President of the International Longevity Centre of Brazil, special consultant on World Ageing of the New York Medicine Academy, and member of the Advisory Committee of the World Forum for Demography and Ageing

Dr Andrea Prates, medical, geriatrician and gerontologist – Professor of the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Dr Fabio Dovigo, educational psychologist – Professor of Organisational Research Methodology of the University of Bergamo (Italy)

Ms Matilde Pelegrí Torres, chemical engineer, expert in communication, director of the Senda Senior Group (Spain)

Dr José Carlos Baura Ortega, Social Services and Adult Education Programmes former responsable OISS (Ibero-American Social Security Organization) (Spain)

Dr Mónica Roqué, ex Director General for Social Affairs of the Argentine Government and President of the Latin American Association of Community Gerontology – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)

Dr Lourdes Bermejo García, vice-president of the Cantabrian Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology (Spain)

Dr Guiselle Solano Asenjo, clinical psychologist – master’s degree in Neurology and Dementia (Costa Rica)

Dr Ricardo Alberti Pérez-Ramos, sociologist and master of Social Gerontology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Uruguay)

Dr Raúl Fernando Scarpetta Gómez, economist and master in Business Administration (Colombia)

Dr Nick Coni, founder of the U3A Cambridge, United Kingdom.